Travel Insurance Companies - The Best And Worst Review
Ask any expert to name the best and worst travel insurance companies, and you'll probably get a noncommittal answer. "It depends," they'll say, careful not to sound like they have a favorite -- or a least favorite. But ask Michael Blank, and he'll tell you about his experience with Seven Corners Travel Insurance. Blank recently set sail on a Celebrity cruise to the Middle East, India, and Southeast Asia. Along the way, both he and his wife contracted severe sinus infections, which sent them to the ship's infirmary. A doctor treated the couple with antibiotics and billed them $313. Blank completed a quick online claim form. "Seven Corners paid right away," says Blank, a pharmaceutical research and development executive in Philadelphia. Actually, that's the way it's supposed to work. The best travel insurance policies for your upcoming fall and winter trips offer extensive coverage. They also pay their claims promptly, according to customers, t...